Monday, May 26, 2008

flea market

This weekend we went to Packwood, Wa for their annual flea market. This is our third time going. Last year, we took Brian's parents with us. They liked it so much that we meet up with them on Saturday. Bright and early. Some of the booths were not even open, that's how early. It was a good flea market if you were a guy. A lot of tools and junk. I was a little disappointed. Jaxon was to. He couldn't find a yo-yo. Brian and his Dad wasn't. They found what they wanted. We had a good time anyway. It was nice to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. Phebe was so excited to see them. Maybe, next time will be better.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jaxon's Mother's Day Card

Jaxon forgot to give me my Mother's Day card that he made at school. He tossed it to me on the way out to the bus on Monday. I read it. It says:

My Mom
My Mom is the best ever.
She likes to play my DS a lat.
She always goes to bed at 10 o'clock.
Sometimes she make stirfry.
But the best thing about my MOM is shes the best yet!!!!!!!!

Isn't he the best kid. I have to say the he wrote this in cursive which he is learning. When I got to the line- Sometimes she make stirfry- I thought and so did Brian that it said Sometimes she makes stinkes. I was mortified. I asked Jaxon when he got home and he couldn't believe his partents. He set us right. Sorry Jaxon.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Let's play ball

Here is a pictures of Jaxon playing baseball. This is his first year in Little League. Let me tell you it is definitely a different from Park and Rec. His number is 1, just like his dad was. We've enjoyed all different kind of weather while watching his games. Snow, wind, heat and rain. I was hoping that the rain one would be canceled but it wasn't. I'm a typical Yakiman. I don't really like being in the rain. Jaxon told me I should be used to it because I'm an Oregonian. I told him no I am not. Only you, Phebe and Brian are. We have a 3 games this week, we'll have to see what the weather will be for us. I'm hoping for warmth.

Monday, May 5, 2008

I've done it!

I have been looking at every one's blogs. I love reading up on every one's lives that I don't talk to or see on a regular basis. So I told Brian we were going to start one and that I needed a new camera. I got my camera last week and have been bugging my family with all the pictures I have been taking. I will post them when I figure how to do this blog thing. So, hopefully, you will enjoy reading our blog.