Sunday, November 15, 2009

My projects

This is the 6 Be's Yahtzee game I made up. My ward made them for our Super Saturday. I finally got them back. Now, we can play Yahtzee for family home evening.

These are the banners that have been keeping me busy for the past month. My brother and I have been doing a few bazaars. I haven't sold much at a bazaar. Good thing I am a Mormon. I have lots a orders through my ward. My friends are keeping me busy.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


We had a family party this year for Halloween. The whole Webster clan, few more cousins and Grandma Loghouse and Grandpa were in attendance. We had fun fishing, bobbing for apples, making spiders, putting our hands in yucky stuff, and eating lots a stuff.

We took the kids trick or treating. We went to our first neighborhood trick or treating. Lots of candy and people. Phebe was so excited. She kept running past houses. Next year, we will have to start a little bit early, so we can get more candy.

Who is that man?

If you seen this man, don't buy anything from him. He will rip you off.

Can you figure out what Brian's alter ego is? Maybe, this is why he has chest hair. Notice the necklace, the ear ring and his wind gauge all slick back.