Thursday, December 31, 2009

Family Picture

This is for Julie. Here is what our picture looks like. I got it framed and matted in one day. I couldn't believe it. I was able to get it framed, matted and upgrade the glass for $45. I lucked out. Craft Warehouse was having a huge sale. Brian thought it looked to big but I think it looks great. I've gotten lots of compliments on it and the book you did for us. Thanks again.

Our update

Can you believe it? I'm going to post something. It seems that the past month and half have gone by too quickly. Heck the whole year has gone by too fast. We've been really busy this month. I finally have a chance to let you know what's been going on here in YakaVegas. I have been very busy sewing up banners for people. I sold 22 banners. I finished the last one right before Christmas. I'm so glad to not be at my sewing machine for a while. I do have a few things to finish for January. I made a few collages of all the activities we have been doing. Enjoy, we sure have.

Phebe has become an honorary activity girl. We had an activity at one of the leader's home. She had all the girls dress up like Mary and travel to Bethlehem. She had a manger all set up. The girls got to have their pictures taken. It was an awesome way to start the month off and to remember why we celebrate.

We have been truly blessed this past year. We have each other and our family and friends. Here's to a new year. Hope this next year will go a little slower. I can always hope. Happy New Year and a Happy 35Th Birthday to Brian.