Monday, May 26, 2008

flea market

This weekend we went to Packwood, Wa for their annual flea market. This is our third time going. Last year, we took Brian's parents with us. They liked it so much that we meet up with them on Saturday. Bright and early. Some of the booths were not even open, that's how early. It was a good flea market if you were a guy. A lot of tools and junk. I was a little disappointed. Jaxon was to. He couldn't find a yo-yo. Brian and his Dad wasn't. They found what they wanted. We had a good time anyway. It was nice to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa. Phebe was so excited to see them. Maybe, next time will be better.


Ande said...

It is always hit and miss on what you will find, like yard saling and antiqing. At least it was a nice day. :)

ben said...

i bet they didn't have any trampolines for free there.