Monday, May 5, 2008

I've done it!

I have been looking at every one's blogs. I love reading up on every one's lives that I don't talk to or see on a regular basis. So I told Brian we were going to start one and that I needed a new camera. I got my camera last week and have been bugging my family with all the pictures I have been taking. I will post them when I figure how to do this blog thing. So, hopefully, you will enjoy reading our blog.


Julie said...

I'm so proud of you Trin! I'm excited to keep updated through the blog world. I can't wait to see pics - I'm sure your family has changed so much since the last time we visited! I'll add you to my blog.

Ande said...

See I told you that you could do it. You'll figure out how to put pics on in no time.

ben said...

welcome to the world of blogging. that reminds me i need to send you the picture.

DPies said...

Trin!!! You guys look soo good! I'm glad you have made it the tech world. I just barely arrived! Hope all is well with you and your little family.