Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jaxon's Mother's Day Card

Jaxon forgot to give me my Mother's Day card that he made at school. He tossed it to me on the way out to the bus on Monday. I read it. It says:

My Mom
My Mom is the best ever.
She likes to play my DS a lat.
She always goes to bed at 10 o'clock.
Sometimes she make stirfry.
But the best thing about my MOM is shes the best yet!!!!!!!!

Isn't he the best kid. I have to say the he wrote this in cursive which he is learning. When I got to the line- Sometimes she make stirfry- I thought and so did Brian that it said Sometimes she makes stinkes. I was mortified. I asked Jaxon when he got home and he couldn't believe his partents. He set us right. Sorry Jaxon.


Ande said...

Well, the other way would have been true to. We all make stinke's at sometime or other. HA HA Cute card. I was wondering when you would put a new post on. :) Not that i haven't talked to you to see what is going on. Have a fun time with all the games this weekend.

ben said...

i don't know what is worse stirfry or stinkies. we are busy disinfecting the house from a virus that attacked our fair house.