Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mt Rainier

Family in Old Growth Forest

Phebe with the snow

Jaxon on Suspension Bridge

Jaxon & Phebe Mt. Rainier

We took our second adventure today. Since it was hot in Yakima, we decided to head to the mountains to keep cool. We found a hike in the Mt Rainier National Park. It was an area of Old Growth Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, and Western Hemlock. There were trees that were a thousand years old. It was interesting to learn that these trees have survived winter storms, fires, and volcanic activity. There was also a suspension bridge that we crossed to see the giant trees. Since they charged us $15.00 to get in; we decided to drive through the south end of the park. It was very beautiful up there. We were so close to the mountain that we could of reached out and touched it. We went up there to escape the heat, but I think it followed us because it was in the 90's. The kids acted like they have never seen snow before. Every chance they got they were playing in it. We had a good time. Too bad we had to come home to warm house.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Phebe and Seattle Temple

Whenever we go to Seattle, we have the kids look for the temple. It's the first landmark we see, so we know that we are in Seattle. Phebe has a problem with seeing things that are pointed out to her. She just says she sees it and is usually looking in the wrong direction. On Wednesday, coming into the Bellevue area, I told the kids to look for the temple. Jaxon found it right off. Phebe soon found it. I asked her what she saw. She said she saw Pres. Hinckley in the sky. Jaxon and I told her that's Moroni not Pres. Hinckley. I thought this was cute. At least she saw the temple this time.

Friday, June 20, 2008

M's adventure

We took our first adventure of the summer. We went to a Mariner's game on Wednesday with my brother and his family. We had a lot of fun. We had our hot dogs and pop. A typical ballgame meal. The kids got some cotton candy for an outrageous price but that's Safeco field. Brian and I tried the garlic fries. Too much garlic for us. The game was alright. The Mariner's lost 7-3.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Jaxon has learned a valuable lesson this week. WEAR SUNBLOCK!!!! On Thursday, His scout leader invited him over to play at her house. She said to bring his swimming trunks and his basketball shoes. I thought he would be playing in the sprinkler or a slip-n-slide. They had a pool. He enjoyed it for three hours with 20 other boys. I told him to put sunblock on when we got there and he said he did. Well, come to find out only on his face. Needless to say, he has a sunburn. Not only a sunburn but a second degree sunburn. His shoulders are blistered. He keeps saying that he has learned his lesson. He has been bathing in tea. Hopefully, he will heal quickly.

To the Cannery we go!

Today, we went to the Kennewick Cannery with my family. Like always four generations. We decided to meet at my parents house and caravan down. As we were leaving the fun began. My Dad backed into our PT Cruiser hitting the back bumper. We'll see on Monday how much that fun was. We met Brian at the Cannery. He went down to Walla Walla, Hermiston and the Richland stores to see if he could get some orders. I think he got a few. We had a good time at the Cannery. The kids were able to help out. Phebe looked real cute in her hair net and gloves. She helped put the stickers on and Jaxon was in charge of getting the cans. After that fun, we went to the Mall and had some dinner like Brian's grandparents. 4 o'clock in the afternoon. That's early. We went shopping since our mall sucks. Hopefully, we will go to the cannery more often. We're trying to get our one year food storage. More fun, when we got home to unload, my Mom realized she was shorted 100 lbs. of wheat.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy 12!!

On Saturday, Brian and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been 12 years. It's gone by so quickly. We watched our wedding video for the first time. We were such dorks back then. It was fun to see the changes in us and in our families. It was also nice to see our grandparents that have past away. I sure do miss my Grandma Brennan. She would have loved my kids and they would of gotten a kick out of her. After going down memory lane, we headed towards South Bend. We stopped in Chehalis and went to my favorite quilt store. I got some gorgeous fabric. After that stop, we went shopping in Centralia. It is so nice to shop with out kids. We started on way to South Bend. In South Bend, we stayed in a B&B. It was a gorgeous Victorian house over looking the Willipa Bay. The innkeepers left us a bottle of champagne for our anniversary. She figured out that we don't drink alcohol and replaced it with sparkling cider. That was very nice of them. It was a little creepy sleeping in someone Else's house. We whispered a lot. The house reminded me of my Grandma Webster's house. Lots of antique's. The house smelled like hers. I was almost afraid to touch things. You couldn't touch anything at my Grandma's. We decided to take the long way home. We drove the PT on the beach, saw some cranberry fields, stopped at a lighthouse, saw some nurseries for Brian and checked on two of his Home Depot's. It was a great weekend. I loved spending time with Brian. We don't get to do that very often. I told him we need to go away twice a year now. We'll see if that will happen.