Saturday, June 14, 2008

To the Cannery we go!

Today, we went to the Kennewick Cannery with my family. Like always four generations. We decided to meet at my parents house and caravan down. As we were leaving the fun began. My Dad backed into our PT Cruiser hitting the back bumper. We'll see on Monday how much that fun was. We met Brian at the Cannery. He went down to Walla Walla, Hermiston and the Richland stores to see if he could get some orders. I think he got a few. We had a good time at the Cannery. The kids were able to help out. Phebe looked real cute in her hair net and gloves. She helped put the stickers on and Jaxon was in charge of getting the cans. After that fun, we went to the Mall and had some dinner like Brian's grandparents. 4 o'clock in the afternoon. That's early. We went shopping since our mall sucks. Hopefully, we will go to the cannery more often. We're trying to get our one year food storage. More fun, when we got home to unload, my Mom realized she was shorted 100 lbs. of wheat.

1 comment:

Ande said...

Glad that they let the kids in. I am sure that it was good for them. Nice, dad running into your car. He tried that a few times when we were there in March. I bet mom was really happy. :) Hopefully there isn't too much damage.