Sunday, July 13, 2008

Busy Week

We have been busy around here.
1. Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Loghouse on the Fourth of July. Jaxon had fun with Grandpa cutting wood. Phebe enjoyed feeding Dexter the donkey. We had fun letting off actual fireworks. Phebe is scary with a sparkler.
2. I got older on the sixth. I caught up to Brian.
3. Kids enjoying the slip and slide only once before it got broken. Jaxon was really upset about that. I think the old stand by will be next. Big Black piece of plastic for the slip and slide like we had growing up.
4. Brian went on a Man Date with my brother, Ben. They went to see a Collective Soul concert with Blues Traveler and Live. They enjoyed each others company. This is Brian's third CS concert this year. He's become a groupie.
5. Having a girls weekend with my Mom, Grandma, sister, sister in-law and great aunt. We went to Sisters, Oregon to see all the pretty quilts. It was fun to spend time with just the girls. Too bad it only lasted two days.
7. Brian and the kids went to a Bears game, our local baseball team, with my Dad, my brother and his kids and my brother in-law and his kids. Brian had to become Mr. Mom while at the game. Phebe had an accident. She wasn't feeling to good. So they had to come home and miss the fireworks.
8. Family pics and a BBQ. Since everyone was here this weekend. We took our family pictures. I have to say it is a lot more difficult with 15 people in the family then when there was only five of us. We got some good pictures. Good thing we only have two kids. It is hard to have seven kids look at a camera and get them all to smile.
9. Glad to be home this evening. Relaxing with Bri and Pheb's. Jaxon is with his cousins destroying my grandparents evening. It's quiet here which is what we need. Phebe is quiet which is a miracle.

Can't wait to see what our next adventure brings us this week.


ben said...

that was a good summery of events.

Ande said...

Hmmm.. Sounds like a good part of my week too!!!

Ande said...

oh yeah. What's with the donkey?