Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mama Mia

Today I saw Mama Mia with my Mom and Grandma. To contrary belief, I didn't corrupt my elders with sexual innuendos. It had as much talk about it as a Rock Hudson and Doris Day movie. Those movies probably had more in them. We all liked it. My Mom kept smiling at me because I was singing to the music. She said it was because I was raised on ABBA music when we lived in Germany when I was little. We walked out of the movie uncringed. I'm going to go get the soundtrack. There's a few songs on it that we don't have. Especially the one about daughters. That's for Phebe.


ben said...

trying to corrupt my grandmother shame on you. if you wanted to do that take her to the dark night, it would be worse than the tower of terror.

Ande said...

I never said anything about corupting, there were just some things I thought she wouldn't be comfortable with. She said she liked it, but yes there were some things that suprised her.