Friday, September 26, 2008

Things that go BANG in the night!!

No, Todd it's not what you're thinking.
This is what went BANG in the night. Our mailbox got into a little accident with a car. The car took out our mailbox, the post that it was on with the cement, a rail road tie, and the telephone box. We have no phone. So I tried calling Qwest, using the right procedure, but couldn't get a live person. So I called my own Qwest man, my Dad. He is coming out to replace the box. Now we have to replace the mailbox this weekend. I liked our mailbox. This is the second accident with the mailbox since we put it up this year. The first one, the mail lady hit the mailbox with her mirrors.

This is where our mailbox use to be. You can see the hole where the post was and you can see the tire tracks of the car heading for our mailbox.

Here is the shredded mailbox. I don't think we can use it.

This is the telephone box. Between the mailbox and the telephone box is about 30 feet. They kept on driving.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Snores anyone

We promised the kids we would make smores with our new fire pit. Phebe was so excited. She kept saying, 'We're having Snores!' We had a good laugh at this. So does anyone want a Snore?

Jaxon's Plane Ride

Jaxon was able to go flying in a Cessna 172 plane this past Saturday. He took part in a group called the Young Eagles progam. They were having free rides for kids 8-17years old. Jaxon liked it so much that now he wants to go every year. He wasn't to sure on flying in a little plane. He didn't tell us much about it. He was trying to be cool. I got more info when Jaxon was telling Poppop about it. He told him they flew aroung the valley and he was able to see the SunDome and the mountains. Jaxon's flight was about a half an hour long. He went up 3,ooo feet in the air. I think now he wants to fly planes. He's always wanted to be an Blue Angel pilot.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Brian's Home

Brian is finally home for the week. YA!!!! Since sales are slow, he will be working at the nursery in Scappoose. This was our first full week with him gone. I think we did alright. I sure did miss him. I don't like being alone at night time. I've spent a lot of nights sleeping on the couch. The kids kept asking for him to come home. Sugee even said she missed him. Time will tell on how they will handle this new arrangement. Especially Jaxon. He doesn't do well with change.
Update on Jaxon in school. He's loving it. He now thinks his teacher is awesome. Let me tell you why. Mr. C loves Star Wars and Legos. Two of Jaxon's favorite things. Mr. C even has a Lego that Jaxon has been wanting forever. The only thing is that the Lego is $100. Jaxon keeps scheming on how he can get that Lego. He thinks he can get a $1 for every time he feeds the animals. He wants to feed them twice a day now. I don't think so. We wanted to have more homework this year and we got it. Last week, Jaxon worked on his homework and it took him 2 hours to complete it. He was rewarded for it. He turn in his homework on Friday. He was the only kid who finished his homework in class and he got 5 gummy bears for it. He thought this was cool.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Funeral and Lincoln City, Again

Last week my great grandma past away. The funeral was on Monday and Tuesday of this week in Oregon and in Washington. We can no longer say that we have 5 generations. I am so glad that were able to go. It was a very nice funeral with lots of relatives that I didn't know. My brother was able to come down for the services in Sunnyside. Before the funeral, we decided to go a couple of days early and go to the beach. It was our last mini vacation. We meet up with Brian's parents for lunch and Renee said it's just like your honeymoon. We went to Lincoln City for our honeymoon and went to my Grandpa Webster's funeral in the same week. I had forgotten about that. We even took the kids to the Portland Temple. Jaxon and Phebe are still bummed that they can't go into the temple. Only 10 more years for Jaxon and he will be going on a mission. I can't believe that. It seems like we just brought the kids home from the hospital. Time is going by to fast. I wish I could slow it down. Back to our trip. We had fun at the beach. We stayed in a brand new hotel. It was awesome. Nice soft beds and pillows which Phebe would not sleep in a bed with her brother. She choose the hard floor. Flat screen TV(Jaxon's idea of pure fun) and most in important an indoor pool. The kids loved the pool. Jaxon was practicing his swimming. He's getting better. Phebe had Brian to tug her around. We had breakfast at Pig-n-Pancake which is an Oregon thing. I even think we ate their on our honeymoon. I made them take me to the outlet mall before we went to the beach. Jaxon didn't like this until we found some dress shirts for him for 99 cents at the Children's Place. We finally went to the beach. Jaxon was in heaven. He loves the beach and the water. Brian and the kids built a sandcastle. Phebe thought this was cool. It was a gorgeous day. The kids want to go back this weekend. I don't think so.