Friday, September 5, 2008

Funeral and Lincoln City, Again

Last week my great grandma past away. The funeral was on Monday and Tuesday of this week in Oregon and in Washington. We can no longer say that we have 5 generations. I am so glad that were able to go. It was a very nice funeral with lots of relatives that I didn't know. My brother was able to come down for the services in Sunnyside. Before the funeral, we decided to go a couple of days early and go to the beach. It was our last mini vacation. We meet up with Brian's parents for lunch and Renee said it's just like your honeymoon. We went to Lincoln City for our honeymoon and went to my Grandpa Webster's funeral in the same week. I had forgotten about that. We even took the kids to the Portland Temple. Jaxon and Phebe are still bummed that they can't go into the temple. Only 10 more years for Jaxon and he will be going on a mission. I can't believe that. It seems like we just brought the kids home from the hospital. Time is going by to fast. I wish I could slow it down. Back to our trip. We had fun at the beach. We stayed in a brand new hotel. It was awesome. Nice soft beds and pillows which Phebe would not sleep in a bed with her brother. She choose the hard floor. Flat screen TV(Jaxon's idea of pure fun) and most in important an indoor pool. The kids loved the pool. Jaxon was practicing his swimming. He's getting better. Phebe had Brian to tug her around. We had breakfast at Pig-n-Pancake which is an Oregon thing. I even think we ate their on our honeymoon. I made them take me to the outlet mall before we went to the beach. Jaxon didn't like this until we found some dress shirts for him for 99 cents at the Children's Place. We finally went to the beach. Jaxon was in heaven. He loves the beach and the water. Brian and the kids built a sandcastle. Phebe thought this was cool. It was a gorgeous day. The kids want to go back this weekend. I don't think so.

1 comment:

Ande said...

I forgot that was your Honeymoon too. The pics look like you had fun. Glad that grandmas funeral was nice, I wish we could have come, I'm having a hard enough time here traveling in the car. I hope this baby isn't too big.