Sunday, November 2, 2008


Jaxon had a hard time figuring out what he wanted to be this year for Halloween. First, he wanted to be an imperial guard (Star Wars). We couldn't find a costume for it. His second choice, Greedo, the green guy Han Solo talks to in the 4Th movie at the bar. Couldn't find a costume and didn't really want to make one. His third choice as you see is Indiana Jones. He was the best Indiana we saw. Phebe was easy this year, we decided to be Fancy Nancy (Fancy Nancy is a series of books). We had a good time trying to get Phebe fancy. She was just adorable. She was the only Fancy Nancy. We had a good Halloween and it was even better that Brian was home for a few days.


Ande said...

Is that Dad's hat and jacket on Jaxon, it works out great!!!!! They look good!!! Glad they had fun!!!

Julie said...

So cute! I love the Indiana Jones costume - he looks like a natural! And little Fancy Nancy - my goodness that fits her to a T! Good job on the costumes!