Monday, January 12, 2009

Out of a 4 year olds mouth

In closing exercises, yesterday, in Primary, a 4 year old girl told me that I must be a crazy person with all that weird, wild hair. I don't think she has ever seen curly hair before and I was having a good hair day. It was calm, no lion's mane just my ringlets.


Ande said...

she should see it on a bad hair day. Kids are so funny.

ben said...

ah hahahahahahhahahaha!!

all we did was sit around and talk about jesus.

Heza Hekele said...

When I was a kid, I could never make sense of the hair in your with crazy curls, your sister with what I remember to be the fairest blonde hair I had ever seen and then your fire haired brother! All of my siblings had the same hair, just slightly different shades. Your parents knew how to mix it up!