Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fishing and Bikes

Grandma Loghouse and Grandpa came up a couple of weekends ago and we went fishing. A local group was holding a fishing derby for kids. For $5 dollars, the kids got a t-shirt and a fishing rod. We had a great time. Phebe was the first to get a fish. Little bit later Jaxon got one. Phebe had a few close calls on getting another one but Jaxon's fishing line kept getting caught with other peoples lines.

After we were done fishing, we got the kids bikes and they rode their bikes down the greenway. This is the first time Phebe has ridden her bike since she got it for Christmas. She was doing great until Daddy came into the picture. He pushed her to hard and she fell into the grass. That was the first accident. Her second accident, she was going down the hill too fast and Brian tried slowing her down with her handle bars but that didn't work. She did a flip over her handle bars and skid to a stop. She hit so hard, it made a dent in her helmet. She now says she won't go bike riding with Daddy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Purse

I made a purse for our YW/Scout Auction last week. The purse went quick. It sold for $55. I can't believe it. The lady who bid for it has been telling me that I should sell my purses. She has been coveting my purses for a while now. Well, she no longer has to covet. I had a few people surprised that I could even make purses. I have them fooled.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Phebe's Parties

Phebe is always having parties for her dolls, teddy bears and anything she can think of. She really likes giving birthday parties and getting gifts for them. Whenever we are at the store she wants to buy a present for Princess(her teddy bear) or anyone else she can think of. While we were at the store on Thursday, I told Phebe that it was Aunt Chelsea's birthday. She says we have to pick out a gift for her. She proceeds to ask me what color and size Aunt Chelsea is because she wanted to give her a dress. Something fancy. I said I don't know. She then started trying to figure out something else for her. She loves giving presents to people. My brother and his family moved here on Friday and she decided they needed a house warming gift. She made them a stack of pictures. She wouldn't give Uncle Ben the pictures, she got shy. So I had to give them to him. She is such a good girl and we love her to death. I am so glad she is a part of our family. Right now, it's a little quiet around here, Phebe lost her voice. She's had too much fun with all of her cousins the past few weeks.

He DID it!!

This is Jaxon's first time at pitching. He's only pitched twice. I think he is pitching on Tuesday. He plays first base.

Jaxon hit the ball on Saturday and I was the only one there to see it. He hit a double. We've been waiting for him to hit the ball during a game. The past few games he has been walking to base. Last week, he walked three times and decided that was his lucky bat. Jaxon's team has not won a game yet but they are getting better. At the beginning of the season we lost 16-0. Yesterday's game we lost by one point, 18-17. It was a good game. Jaxon scored 2 runs.

One of his runs that he scored.