Sunday, May 3, 2009

Phebe's Parties

Phebe is always having parties for her dolls, teddy bears and anything she can think of. She really likes giving birthday parties and getting gifts for them. Whenever we are at the store she wants to buy a present for Princess(her teddy bear) or anyone else she can think of. While we were at the store on Thursday, I told Phebe that it was Aunt Chelsea's birthday. She says we have to pick out a gift for her. She proceeds to ask me what color and size Aunt Chelsea is because she wanted to give her a dress. Something fancy. I said I don't know. She then started trying to figure out something else for her. She loves giving presents to people. My brother and his family moved here on Friday and she decided they needed a house warming gift. She made them a stack of pictures. She wouldn't give Uncle Ben the pictures, she got shy. So I had to give them to him. She is such a good girl and we love her to death. I am so glad she is a part of our family. Right now, it's a little quiet around here, Phebe lost her voice. She's had too much fun with all of her cousins the past few weeks.

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