Saturday, June 20, 2009

What's been going on with us!

Okay, I realize it's been a long time since I've posted. As it seems to be the theme of our lives, we have been busy. I've only had enough time to check on what everyone else is doing in their lives. Plus I like to have Brian around to proof read my posts. Since the last update:

*Jaxon finished baseball. We are all shouting Hooray, it's over!! Jaxon's team finished last. We only won one game the whole entire season. After the season, we were in a tournament. We won one game because of rain. Almost all of the games, we played in a thunderstorm.

*I put in six quilts for our local quilt show. I, actually, quilted 5 of them on the big machine. I'm so proud of myself. I've been a big chicken about using the big machine. Now that I have done a few, I want to do some more. I definitely have some quilt tops that need to be quilted.

*Jaxon had a few field trips during the last two weeks of school. He allowed me to tag along on one of them. We went to the Yakima Nation's Museum and to Fort Simcoe. The most exciting part of the field trip was that I saw a HUGE snake on the pathway.

*School is out. Jaxon is now going to be a 4th grader and I have to get ready to having both kids in school. Brian's already planning what I will be doing with all my free time. Jaxon wants to flunk two grades to be with his teacher, Mr. C. He loves Mr. C. We finally had a teacher that challenged the kid and they moved him down to 2nd grade. Jaxon was supposed to keep Mr. C for 4th grade. We shall see what next year's teacher will be liked.

*Brian's been selling his plants like crazy. He's finally figured out how to have a hobby and make money at it.

*Brian and I celebrated our 13th anniversary. We went down to Portland for a quick weekend. We had fun. We went to a wedding reception in Newberg (one of my mia maids, I can't believe she's old enough), went shopping at the outlet mall, visited a few nursery's, went to a quilt store, and Macaroni Grill. We could have spent a few more days together. Someday.

*We went bike riding again at the Greenway for FHE. Phebe is getting better at riding her bike. No accidents this time. I want to go some more this summer but I have to figure out how to get the bikes in the PT.

*I have been on jury duty for the past two weeks. It was definitely a learning experience. I was picked to be on a jury the first week. All I have to say that it is very hard to keep a person innocent until proven guilty. I earned my $10 dollars a day plus a free lunch on deliberation day. We never got to deliberate, the guy pleaded out.

*The kids and I went to the movies this week while I free from a day of jury duty. We went to see UP with my family -brother & his family, my Mom & Grandma, and sister and her kids. We figured we spent around a $100 dollar just to get in because of the extra $2 for 3D glasses. Good movie but could have seen it regular movie mode.

Next week, Jaxon has day camp and we are going camping for a few days. I can't wait to get away and have fun camping. Brian will be with us for the weekend and the kids and I will be satying a few days longer with my parents. Hopefully, I will have some good stories to tell when we get back.

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