Friday, August 21, 2009

Family Pics

I just wanted to let the family know that Julie has posted a some of our pictures on her blog. She is still working on the CD for us. I think she felt my anxiousness. I've been checking her blog every day, multiple times. I really like the ones she has up. I can't wait to see the other pictures. Thank you Julie for taking our pictures. You did a wonderful job. I only wish we could of had more time together. Her blog site is Check them out and I'll let everyone know when the rest are ready.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dress Up & Tea Party

A lady in our ward gave a manners tea party for my activity girls last night. Phebe found out that I was going to a tea party and promptly put on her snow white dress and invited herself to come. I am so glad she did. She loved it and so did my girls. We had a tea party with beautiful cupcakes and lots of finger foods. Before the tea party, the girls learned about manners then they got to dress up. I only had four of my girls come and that meant more dress up time for them. I think at least all of the tried on five different outfits. They all got their pictures taken in each outfit. Phebe tried on three outfits. She loved the pink ones, the hats, and the fuzzy high heels. We had so much fun. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Phebe.

The butterflies are made out of frosting. Can you believe it?

Doesn't she look like she came out of a bridal magazine?

Having too much fun!!

Brian's favorite.

This is the only time Phebe has looked like me. She had fun trying on the wigs.


Jaxon putting one my bear pin. Luckily, I had a collar shirt on.

Brian trying to get a hug from Jaxon.

Jaxon got his bear. He probably would have gotten it sooner if his mother had read his book. There are 24 achievements and I thought he had to do all of them. He only had to do 12 and he only had one more to finish. So he was able to finish it before pack meeting. July's pack meeting's theme was a kite derby. We were supposed to make a kite. But with Jaxon and his grand ideas and not willing to simplify, he didn't make one. He used one of Poppa's kites. Pack meeting was on one of the hottest days last week and no wind. Jaxon got his kite flying, pretty high. Higher than anyone else.