Monday, January 25, 2010

Spelling Test

Phebe took her first spelling test a couple of weeks ago. She got 11/10. Since then she has had two more spelling tests and has gotten 100% on both of them. We're so proud of her. Maybe Phebe will be like Jaxon and be a spelling whiz. She is loving Kindergarten. She is one of the top readers in her class and she can even write better then Jaxon. She can count and write to 100. She is having a blast learning. It looks like we have two smart cookies in our family.

1 comment:

Washington Hills said...

Are you finding this with Phebe? I find with Beth that her handwriting is VASTLY better than Connor's. A girl thing? I've never given much credence to that thought, but it might be true!

Go Phebe!