Saturday, June 14, 2008


Jaxon has learned a valuable lesson this week. WEAR SUNBLOCK!!!! On Thursday, His scout leader invited him over to play at her house. She said to bring his swimming trunks and his basketball shoes. I thought he would be playing in the sprinkler or a slip-n-slide. They had a pool. He enjoyed it for three hours with 20 other boys. I told him to put sunblock on when we got there and he said he did. Well, come to find out only on his face. Needless to say, he has a sunburn. Not only a sunburn but a second degree sunburn. His shoulders are blistered. He keeps saying that he has learned his lesson. He has been bathing in tea. Hopefully, he will heal quickly.

1 comment:

Ande said...

At least he is learning now and not at 32 yrs old. :) tell him not to be like uncle tom.