Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy 12!!

On Saturday, Brian and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been 12 years. It's gone by so quickly. We watched our wedding video for the first time. We were such dorks back then. It was fun to see the changes in us and in our families. It was also nice to see our grandparents that have past away. I sure do miss my Grandma Brennan. She would have loved my kids and they would of gotten a kick out of her. After going down memory lane, we headed towards South Bend. We stopped in Chehalis and went to my favorite quilt store. I got some gorgeous fabric. After that stop, we went shopping in Centralia. It is so nice to shop with out kids. We started on way to South Bend. In South Bend, we stayed in a B&B. It was a gorgeous Victorian house over looking the Willipa Bay. The innkeepers left us a bottle of champagne for our anniversary. She figured out that we don't drink alcohol and replaced it with sparkling cider. That was very nice of them. It was a little creepy sleeping in someone Else's house. We whispered a lot. The house reminded me of my Grandma Webster's house. Lots of antique's. The house smelled like hers. I was almost afraid to touch things. You couldn't touch anything at my Grandma's. We decided to take the long way home. We drove the PT on the beach, saw some cranberry fields, stopped at a lighthouse, saw some nurseries for Brian and checked on two of his Home Depot's. It was a great weekend. I loved spending time with Brian. We don't get to do that very often. I told him we need to go away twice a year now. We'll see if that will happen.


DPies said...

I can hardly beleive 12 years have gone by! Congrats!! I like your blog and have enjoyed reading it. You have a cute little family. BTW-Brian could have looked a little happier on the bed with his smoken hot wife!

Ande said...

I agree, he looks so thrilled. Of course he is probably thinking, another picture, I know how much he loves his picture taken. Sounds like you had a blast!!!!

Julie said...

Congrats on 12 years! We sure do miss you guys - when are you coming to Utah!!??? We can't wait to see you!