Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mt Rainier

Family in Old Growth Forest

Phebe with the snow

Jaxon on Suspension Bridge

Jaxon & Phebe Mt. Rainier

We took our second adventure today. Since it was hot in Yakima, we decided to head to the mountains to keep cool. We found a hike in the Mt Rainier National Park. It was an area of Old Growth Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, and Western Hemlock. There were trees that were a thousand years old. It was interesting to learn that these trees have survived winter storms, fires, and volcanic activity. There was also a suspension bridge that we crossed to see the giant trees. Since they charged us $15.00 to get in; we decided to drive through the south end of the park. It was very beautiful up there. We were so close to the mountain that we could of reached out and touched it. We went up there to escape the heat, but I think it followed us because it was in the 90's. The kids acted like they have never seen snow before. Every chance they got they were playing in it. We had a good time. Too bad we had to come home to warm house.


ben said...

we got up to 76 degrees here and rob and i were walking around down town but nobody else was out beacuse it was "too hot"

Ande said...

looks like fun. That's not hot!!! :) Of course I would love to see the Mountain and sit in the snow, I am tired of the smoke and am glad that it is finally clearing up. YEAH!!!

Julie said...

Looks like sooo much fun! We're jealous! :)

Julie said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog - Happy Birthday in 3 days!!!