Sunday, June 22, 2008

Phebe and Seattle Temple

Whenever we go to Seattle, we have the kids look for the temple. It's the first landmark we see, so we know that we are in Seattle. Phebe has a problem with seeing things that are pointed out to her. She just says she sees it and is usually looking in the wrong direction. On Wednesday, coming into the Bellevue area, I told the kids to look for the temple. Jaxon found it right off. Phebe soon found it. I asked her what she saw. She said she saw Pres. Hinckley in the sky. Jaxon and I told her that's Moroni not Pres. Hinckley. I thought this was cute. At least she saw the temple this time.

1 comment:

Ande said...

Well, at least it was someone church related and that she knows about. :) How cute.