Friday, September 12, 2008

Brian's Home

Brian is finally home for the week. YA!!!! Since sales are slow, he will be working at the nursery in Scappoose. This was our first full week with him gone. I think we did alright. I sure did miss him. I don't like being alone at night time. I've spent a lot of nights sleeping on the couch. The kids kept asking for him to come home. Sugee even said she missed him. Time will tell on how they will handle this new arrangement. Especially Jaxon. He doesn't do well with change.
Update on Jaxon in school. He's loving it. He now thinks his teacher is awesome. Let me tell you why. Mr. C loves Star Wars and Legos. Two of Jaxon's favorite things. Mr. C even has a Lego that Jaxon has been wanting forever. The only thing is that the Lego is $100. Jaxon keeps scheming on how he can get that Lego. He thinks he can get a $1 for every time he feeds the animals. He wants to feed them twice a day now. I don't think so. We wanted to have more homework this year and we got it. Last week, Jaxon worked on his homework and it took him 2 hours to complete it. He was rewarded for it. He turn in his homework on Friday. He was the only kid who finished his homework in class and he got 5 gummy bears for it. He thought this was cool.

1 comment:

Ande said...

That's great that he is doing well with Mr. C. Yeah for homework. Glad that Brian is home, have fun spending some family time together.