Monday, September 15, 2008

Jaxon's Plane Ride

Jaxon was able to go flying in a Cessna 172 plane this past Saturday. He took part in a group called the Young Eagles progam. They were having free rides for kids 8-17years old. Jaxon liked it so much that now he wants to go every year. He wasn't to sure on flying in a little plane. He didn't tell us much about it. He was trying to be cool. I got more info when Jaxon was telling Poppop about it. He told him they flew aroung the valley and he was able to see the SunDome and the mountains. Jaxon's flight was about a half an hour long. He went up 3,ooo feet in the air. I think now he wants to fly planes. He's always wanted to be an Blue Angel pilot.


Ande said...

Did he go up with another kid? Sounds like he had a good time. Didn't Poppop used to fly one of those. I don't remember the exact time of plane. :) Hard enough to keep all the ones around here straight.

Just Us said...

He did go up with some other kids. Yes, Poppop did fly one of these. He took us up a couple of times. You don't remember?

ben said...

sounds/looks like fun.
Tell brian that horizontal stripes make you look fat. the shot of him in the top right corner is not very flattering.