Friday, September 26, 2008

Things that go BANG in the night!!

No, Todd it's not what you're thinking.
This is what went BANG in the night. Our mailbox got into a little accident with a car. The car took out our mailbox, the post that it was on with the cement, a rail road tie, and the telephone box. We have no phone. So I tried calling Qwest, using the right procedure, but couldn't get a live person. So I called my own Qwest man, my Dad. He is coming out to replace the box. Now we have to replace the mailbox this weekend. I liked our mailbox. This is the second accident with the mailbox since we put it up this year. The first one, the mail lady hit the mailbox with her mirrors.

This is where our mailbox use to be. You can see the hole where the post was and you can see the tire tracks of the car heading for our mailbox.

Here is the shredded mailbox. I don't think we can use it.

This is the telephone box. Between the mailbox and the telephone box is about 30 feet. They kept on driving.


Ande said...

Nope, I think that mailbox is toast. Tell Brain I will take into consideration the Iron and Ice thing for Tom. And the truly yours? He must have had an ear full for the last comments. :) hee hee Hope that you get the new one up. Crazy drivers, they had to go down in the ditch and back up to hit all of that.

ben said...

maybe you should paint a bullseye on your new mailbox.

Taggart Photography said...

Thanks for thinking of me Trinidy. You made both me and Julie laugh quite a bit just with that first line.