Monday, November 17, 2008

Student of the Month

Last week, Jaxon received the academic Student of the Month award for October. We are so proud of him. This is the picture I got of him. He was embarrassed by his Mom taking pictures of him. So I kissed him in front of his whole class. Now that's embarrassing. We also had his teacher conference on the same day. No problems with Jaxon. His teacher is challenging him and that's what we want. He is doing 4th grade math and reading at a 5th grade level. A story about mister smarty pants. In September, the class was working on subtraction and a girl in the class asked if you could subtract 6-12. Mr. C said you could not. Jaxon raised his hand and said yes you can. The answer is -6. Mr. C said you are right but that's for when you are in 5th grade. Jaxon is now known as Mr. Negative. Pretty soon, Brian and I will have to get a tutor for ourselves to help Jaxon with his homework.


Julie said...

Way to go Jaxon! I always knew you were a smart kid!

Ande said...

good job!!! with the embarassing kiss I mean. :) ha ha