Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Peformances

Jaxon had 2 Christmas performances last week. The first was at school. It was only the 2nd and 3rd graders. Jaxon's group did a good job. They sang a few songs that we didn't know. One song they sang, all they needed was some robes and they would have been a Southern Baptist choir. The kids really got into it.

The second performance was at the mall on Saturday. Jaxon joined a group at school called the X Jam. He practices twice a week during lunch recess. He is enjoying it. He likes playing on the xylophones and of course, he's able to play them. The kids did good. Jaxon's favorite song of the night was Carol of the bells.

Christmas Lights Parade

A couple of Sundays ago, we went to the Christmas Lights parade for FHE here in Yakima. This is the first time we have ever been to it. We had a lot of fun and we didn't freeze. There were some cool vehicles all lit up.

This is my favorite picture I took of the night.

Can you tell Jaxon doesn't like his mother to take his picture.

Phebe looking thrilled to be there. At least she lets me take her picture.

I have to say the Coca-Cola truck had the best Christmas lights on it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Negative Brrr!!!

Just wanted you to know that it is showing a -3 degrees outside right now. Jaxon and I will, definitely, be waiting for the school bus in the car. Hope you have a warmer morning.

Monday, December 15, 2008


This morning we woke up to no heat. Lucky, Brian was home to help figure out why we didn't have any heat. After talking to my Dad, we figured out that we had a frozen pipe line. We had to thaw the pipe, get anti-freeze gel and get the oil flowing again. We thawed the pipe but the furnace would not kick on. So we called our reinforcement, my Poppop. He came over and figured out our problem with in 10 minutes. By pushing the reset button. We had tried pushing a button but it was the wrong one. That's all we needed to do to get heat. So now we can be warm and cozy. If only the temperature was 68 degrees outside instead of the high of 15 like it's going to be tomorrow.

Friday, December 5, 2008

To Forks we will go

I have become a Twilight groupie. I am not as bad as Brian is with his Collective Soul. Last week for Thanksgiving, we went to my brother's house in Port Angeles. Since Forks is an hour a way, we went on a field trip. We didn't get to go on the Twilight tour but we made a few stops. It was raining. I thought Portland got a lot of rain. It doesn't compared to Forks. Forks gets about 116 inches of rain a year, where Portland gets about 25 inches and Yakima gets about 13 inches. I'll take the 13inches any day. My sister in law and I went to see the movie. I think my imagination is a lot better than the movie. I had a problem seeing the actors they picked as the characters they played. But what do I know. I still liked it.