Friday, December 5, 2008

To Forks we will go

I have become a Twilight groupie. I am not as bad as Brian is with his Collective Soul. Last week for Thanksgiving, we went to my brother's house in Port Angeles. Since Forks is an hour a way, we went on a field trip. We didn't get to go on the Twilight tour but we made a few stops. It was raining. I thought Portland got a lot of rain. It doesn't compared to Forks. Forks gets about 116 inches of rain a year, where Portland gets about 25 inches and Yakima gets about 13 inches. I'll take the 13inches any day. My sister in law and I went to see the movie. I think my imagination is a lot better than the movie. I had a problem seeing the actors they picked as the characters they played. But what do I know. I still liked it.

1 comment:

Ande said...

you groupie you. I love the books to. :) Am trying to find time to finish the 4th one. :)