Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Peformances

Jaxon had 2 Christmas performances last week. The first was at school. It was only the 2nd and 3rd graders. Jaxon's group did a good job. They sang a few songs that we didn't know. One song they sang, all they needed was some robes and they would have been a Southern Baptist choir. The kids really got into it.

The second performance was at the mall on Saturday. Jaxon joined a group at school called the X Jam. He practices twice a week during lunch recess. He is enjoying it. He likes playing on the xylophones and of course, he's able to play them. The kids did good. Jaxon's favorite song of the night was Carol of the bells.

1 comment:

Ande said...

that's my fav song too. way to go jaxon