Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our winter break

I just checked my calendar and realized that I haven't blogged in 3 weeks. Sorry about that. We've been a little busy with some life changes added to it. We had a wonderful Christmas. The kids loved everything the got. I always worry that they won't like what they get especially Jaxon. They kept saying it was the BEST Christmas ever. Jaxon got a motorized scooter, some Lego's and a Harry Potter book. Phebe got a new bike, some clothes, a doll and a bear cub that moves, cries and wants to be feed. Jaxon is trying to learn patience about his scooter. You can't ride it when the temperature is below 32 and in the snow. We took him to the church building so he could ride it in the gym. Now he wants to do it all the time. Christmas night Phebe went to bed with her new doll and bear cub. The next morning she woke up and said she didn't sleep at all because her bear kept waking up and wanted to be taken care of.

After Christmas, my brother and his kids came down to spend the weekend with us. We went sledding behind my Dad's tractor around the yard. It was fun. We haven't played in the snow because it was to cold. That day we had a warm spell of 25.
We spent New Year's Eve with my parents and grandparents playing domino's. Phebe lasted until 11:30 and Jaxon was up until 1 am. We always have sparkling cider at midnight. Usually, we have Martinalli's cider but my mom couldn't reach them in the store and got a different kind that's made in Sweden. The Swedish don't know how to make apple cider. It tasted like the glue on an envelope. Yuck!
We woke up to more snow falling on New Year's Day. That meant no Grandma Loghouse and Grandpa coming to visit. The kids were sad about that. Phebe keeps asking when we're going to see them. Hopefully soon if the weather will cooperate. Brian had a good birthday. The theme for his gifts this year was DVD's. I think he got 5 plus the last season of Seinfeld. We haven't watched all of them yet. Brian and the kids watched the Seinfeld while I was doing inventory at the quilt store I used to work at. Jaxon is back at school. He started basketball this week. He really liked it. This is the first year he's played basketball. Luckily, Brian is home and he can take Jaxon to his practices. As you can tell, we had a wonderful winter break.

I forgot to tell you about our car. The day after Christmas we were stopped at a light and were hit by a teenager. She scratched the paint on the bumper. We just got it back from the shop. They had to take the bumper off and repaint it. This is the second time we had to fix the bumper. Last week, we went grocery shopping and while we were unloading the car a cat got in and peed in it. The cat was in the car for over 12 hours.


Ande said...

how are thinf going? I am sure Jaxon will do well with bb. talk to you soon.

Chelsea said...

Looks like you had a fun Christmas. I think those pictures are the first time I have seen Brian without facial hair. Anyways, we are thinking about you guys.