Thursday, March 5, 2009

Catch Up

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted last. Where did February go? If your life is like ours, it went by to fast. Let me give you some updates on us. Brian is back to work. YEAH!! It's been another adjustment for us. That's the way our life seems to be a lot of adjustments.
I went and saw the Pajama Game with my Mom and Grandma. It was so good. If only Harry Connick, Jr. was the main guy again. The whole gang went and saw Oklahoma the play. The high school kids were putting it on. We loved it! Phebe has been singing ever since. The cast was mostly LDS kids. The next Sunday, Big Judd was blessing the sacrament and Phebe was star struck, couldn't believe he was there.
Jaxon has been playing basketball. He's starting to figure out the game. He's so funny. His coach told him to stand on the block underneath the basket. So every time Jaxon comes down the court he gravitates to the block. He has made one point so far and we are so proud of him. Next we are on to baseball. Not looking forward to sitting out in the cold.
We have been playing a lot of Guitar Hero, mostly Brian. He's trying to beat me at playing in the medium mode. He just can't do it yet. He is also a little upset because I couldn't play the easy ones and then I started on the medium ones and can whip his butt.
I've started working out with a few Moms at the church. I couldn't walk for three days because of Yoga Booty Ballet. I, now, can never make fun of Brian when has sore muscles from playing basketball.
The last part of the month, Brian and I have been together for 14 years. I can't believe it. All I can say is eating in the cafetria at Ricks was well worth it.
This was some of the highlights of the past few weeks. I could go on about Sharing Time, Activity girls, Scouts, playdates, sleepovers with cousins and grandparents, math night at the school, cleaning the church building, quilt class, making aprons for nephews, finishing a purse. That's why February flew by. Hopefully, March will be a little slower.


Ande said...

I doubt that it will go any slower. Before I know it it will be summer.

Julie said...

CRAZY life! Sounds like there's never a dull moment - you really should take a break - you know, a vacation away from it all. I know the perfect place in Pleasant Grove Utah!!! :)