Monday, March 23, 2009

Teacher Conference Time

Today was Jaxon's conference. We were not too worried about it. His teacher said his conference wasn't that fun because there were no problems or concerns with Jaxon. It only lasted 15 minutes. He is doing great as always. His reading level is at a 6th grade level and math is at a 4.97 grade level. So he working on double digit division while his class is working on their multiplication of 0,1,5's and 10's. Pretty soon Brian and I will need a tutor to help Jaxon with his homework. We are so proud of Jaxon and glad he finally has a teacher that can handle him and challenge him at the same time. I also registered Phebe for kindergarten. I can't believe she'll be in school. She's on the fence on whether or not she wants to go. It changes from hour to hour. Just like she will never get married because that means she will not live with her mommy. Two kids in school. What will I do with all the quietness? We will have to see.

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