Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jaxon's first day of school

Doesn't he look all grown up? He'll definetly have the girls chasing him.

Yesterday Jaxon started 3rd grade. He was excited when I dropped him off in the morning. By the time he got home, he wasn't excited anymore. He would not tell us anything when he got home. His Maaka called him and he wouldn't even talked to her. Which is not like him. If he doesn't talk to us, usually, he will talk to his Maaka. We think his new teacher is not what he expected. A lot of rules and too much information for Jaxon on the first day of school. He just got stressed out. We told him it's only the 3rd grade. Breathe, relax and have fun. His new teacher is Mr. C. I actually went to school with him. He is Jaxon's first male teacher. We will see how the second day of school went for him.

1 comment:

Ande said...

poor guy, hope that the second and third day of school went better.