Thursday, October 30, 2008

Getting Fancy

I just took this picture of Pheb's getting ready for the ward Halloween party tonight. Her costume is Fancy Nancy. Her hair needs to be fancy, so we attempt to do curlers again. She found my old pair of glasses. Doesn't she look like an old house Frau? Brian says she looks like a school teacher.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Brian's 8 Favorite Things

8 Favorite Restaurants

1.Macaroni Grill
2.Red Robin
4.Big Town Hero
6.Pizza Factory
7.New York Teryaki

8 Favorite TV shows

1.Sports Center
2.Big Bang Theory
3.The Soup
5.Dave Ramsey Show
6.The Colbert Report
7.King of the Hill
8.My Big Redneck Wedding

8 Things I did Yesterday

1.Took a shower.
2.Tire shopping for the car.
3.Went to Costco.
4.Surfed the web.
5.Watched TV.
6.Pet the dog.
8.Fell asleep watching TV.

8 Things I look forward to.

1.6 Figure income.
2.Being home more.
3.Building my new greenhouse.
4.Christmas to be over.
5.All fabric stores to go bankrupt.
6.Another Collective Soul concert.
7.The next Collective Soul release.
8.The economy to turn around(so I can start making money on my investments again)

8 Things I wish for.

1.Lose weight.
2.Full head of hair.
3.A month long romantic getaway with Trin.
4.Subaru WRX.
5.A big house with 10 acres to ride ATV's.
6.Early retirement.
7.For Jaxon and Phebe to be sucessful.
8.Daily hot tub soaks and massages.
4.Subaru WRX

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tagged, again

I was just looking at Jeff and Chelsea's blog and I got tagged again. This tag is also on my sister's blog. So this can count for both of you. The tag is the 8 things. I don't remember all of the rules. Here is goes.

8 favorite TV shows
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. ER
3. Big Bang Theory
4. Private Practice
5. Brothers and Sisters
6. Dirt
7. Ace of Cakes
8. Rules of Engagement

8 Things I did yesterday
1. I sewed. I was at my quilt retreat with my Mom, Grandma and Aunt
2. I came home to a lot of dirty dishes.
3. got attacked by my kids- hugs and kisses
4. We went to FHE at my Mom and Dad's house.
5. put the kids to bed
6. Read my book
7. Brian and I ate chicken nuggets and hot coco at 11 o'clock at night
8. Slept in my bed with Brian

8 Things I look forward to
1. not having to watch the world series this year
2. getting my Christmas shopping done early this year
3. seeing my two new nieces
4. Brian being home for more than 2 days
5. not having to teach a lesson for 3 weeks in Primary
6. watching Jaxon and Phebe growing up
7. warmer weather
8. going on a family trip with all of us

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Macaroni Grill
2. Red Robin
3. Chilli's
4. El Ranchito
5. Abby's Pizza
6. Hunan Pearl
7. Big Town Hero
8. Applebee's

8 Things on my wish list
1. a Tahoe
2. a new sewing machine
3. going to Hawaii with Brian
4. for Jaxon and Phebe to be friends when they grow up.
5. to see family and friends more often
6. a TV cabinet
7. to have a maid come and clean my house
8. to be a happy family forever

That's all the 8 Things about me.

I got tagged

Last week, my friend Julie tagged me. So here are my answers. The tag was on 6 things that are quirky about me.
1. I critique Dairy Queens. I worked at 2 DQ's in high school and college. I have a high standard for them. I can't stand dirty tables or doors and the swirl not being right on the ice cream cone. My dad thinks I need to own one, so I can do it the right way which is my way of course.
2. I never forget. I am like my Grandma. It takes a lot to upset me. But when I do get upset, I never forget.
3. I have to have peanut butter on my pancakes and french toast. It is a must.
4. I can't stand it when Brian scrapes his fork when he eats. It's almost like the sounds from the dentist.
5. Brian and I are starting to finish each others sentences. I know this isn't really a quirk. I just thinks it's funny that we can do this. Next on the old married list is wearing matching shirts and jackets.
6. I have inherited one of me father's traits. An obsessive researcher. I will research something to death. Brian can't stand this. I get something in my head and I am checking everything I can before I get it.

I have a few more quirks but Jaxon didn't want me to tell anyone. I am suppose to have 6 other people be tagged but I don't know that many.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My new quilt

This is my quilt I just finished for the quilt shop I use to work for. It was suppose to be done a month ago. It took me longer then I expected. I really like it. It's going to be our winter quilt for our bed. Phebe took the picture for me. She did a good job.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fair fun

We went to the fair last weekend with Brian's parents. We got to see a little bit of the rodeo, a few barns of animals, the vendors in the sundome, the ag building and rides. The rides were the kids is favorite part. This year Jaxon discovered the big kid rides. He rode a ride called the cliff hanger. He's laying down in a hang glider going around in real fast. He loved it. Phebe just loved everything. She got to go on the ferris wheel wiht Jaxon and me. I remembered why I don't like the ferris wheel. To high and a lot of wind. We had fun and plenty of fair food.

Apple Picking Time

Tis the season to pick apples. It is a family tradition to go pick apples with my grandparents and parents. This year my parents were not able to come. Poppop likes to load us up on apples. We usually get three to four boxes full. We never seem to get them all eaten before they go bad. We decided to go small this year. We tried. Poppop kept giving us more. Lucky, Brian's parents were with us and they got some and so did Brian's work. You can see Phebe's curls. Jaxon loved picking the apples from the ladder.

Girly Do's

Phebe let me and her grandma play with her hair. She looks so cute. She wanted to keep her curls, so she could look like me. We are trying to talk her into putting rollers in again. She doesn't want to. I don't think she wants to sleep with them.


Jaxon received his Wolf last week. He also got a gold and two silver arrows. He needs four more electives in the next month to get another arrow. Hopefully, we can do this.