Monday, October 20, 2008

I got tagged

Last week, my friend Julie tagged me. So here are my answers. The tag was on 6 things that are quirky about me.
1. I critique Dairy Queens. I worked at 2 DQ's in high school and college. I have a high standard for them. I can't stand dirty tables or doors and the swirl not being right on the ice cream cone. My dad thinks I need to own one, so I can do it the right way which is my way of course.
2. I never forget. I am like my Grandma. It takes a lot to upset me. But when I do get upset, I never forget.
3. I have to have peanut butter on my pancakes and french toast. It is a must.
4. I can't stand it when Brian scrapes his fork when he eats. It's almost like the sounds from the dentist.
5. Brian and I are starting to finish each others sentences. I know this isn't really a quirk. I just thinks it's funny that we can do this. Next on the old married list is wearing matching shirts and jackets.
6. I have inherited one of me father's traits. An obsessive researcher. I will research something to death. Brian can't stand this. I get something in my head and I am checking everything I can before I get it.

I have a few more quirks but Jaxon didn't want me to tell anyone. I am suppose to have 6 other people be tagged but I don't know that many.

1 comment:

ben said...

a responce to your tagging.
1. i watch the people at DQ to see if they even try to make a curl. normally they don't
2. Dad was trying on a jacket that looked exactly the same as moms wool pea coat.
3. its amazing how many traits are passed on from generation to generation.