Monday, October 20, 2008

Tagged, again

I was just looking at Jeff and Chelsea's blog and I got tagged again. This tag is also on my sister's blog. So this can count for both of you. The tag is the 8 things. I don't remember all of the rules. Here is goes.

8 favorite TV shows
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. ER
3. Big Bang Theory
4. Private Practice
5. Brothers and Sisters
6. Dirt
7. Ace of Cakes
8. Rules of Engagement

8 Things I did yesterday
1. I sewed. I was at my quilt retreat with my Mom, Grandma and Aunt
2. I came home to a lot of dirty dishes.
3. got attacked by my kids- hugs and kisses
4. We went to FHE at my Mom and Dad's house.
5. put the kids to bed
6. Read my book
7. Brian and I ate chicken nuggets and hot coco at 11 o'clock at night
8. Slept in my bed with Brian

8 Things I look forward to
1. not having to watch the world series this year
2. getting my Christmas shopping done early this year
3. seeing my two new nieces
4. Brian being home for more than 2 days
5. not having to teach a lesson for 3 weeks in Primary
6. watching Jaxon and Phebe growing up
7. warmer weather
8. going on a family trip with all of us

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Macaroni Grill
2. Red Robin
3. Chilli's
4. El Ranchito
5. Abby's Pizza
6. Hunan Pearl
7. Big Town Hero
8. Applebee's

8 Things on my wish list
1. a Tahoe
2. a new sewing machine
3. going to Hawaii with Brian
4. for Jaxon and Phebe to be friends when they grow up.
5. to see family and friends more often
6. a TV cabinet
7. to have a maid come and clean my house
8. to be a happy family forever

That's all the 8 Things about me.

1 comment:

Ande said...

Good job. I like the quirks.