Sunday, May 3, 2009

He DID it!!

This is Jaxon's first time at pitching. He's only pitched twice. I think he is pitching on Tuesday. He plays first base.

Jaxon hit the ball on Saturday and I was the only one there to see it. He hit a double. We've been waiting for him to hit the ball during a game. The past few games he has been walking to base. Last week, he walked three times and decided that was his lucky bat. Jaxon's team has not won a game yet but they are getting better. At the beginning of the season we lost 16-0. Yesterday's game we lost by one point, 18-17. It was a good game. Jaxon scored 2 runs.

One of his runs that he scored.

1 comment:

Ande said...

Maybe there was too much pressure with all of us there:) Way to go Jaxon, keep it up!!