Thursday, December 31, 2009

Family Picture

This is for Julie. Here is what our picture looks like. I got it framed and matted in one day. I couldn't believe it. I was able to get it framed, matted and upgrade the glass for $45. I lucked out. Craft Warehouse was having a huge sale. Brian thought it looked to big but I think it looks great. I've gotten lots of compliments on it and the book you did for us. Thanks again.

Our update

Can you believe it? I'm going to post something. It seems that the past month and half have gone by too quickly. Heck the whole year has gone by too fast. We've been really busy this month. I finally have a chance to let you know what's been going on here in YakaVegas. I have been very busy sewing up banners for people. I sold 22 banners. I finished the last one right before Christmas. I'm so glad to not be at my sewing machine for a while. I do have a few things to finish for January. I made a few collages of all the activities we have been doing. Enjoy, we sure have.

Phebe has become an honorary activity girl. We had an activity at one of the leader's home. She had all the girls dress up like Mary and travel to Bethlehem. She had a manger all set up. The girls got to have their pictures taken. It was an awesome way to start the month off and to remember why we celebrate.

We have been truly blessed this past year. We have each other and our family and friends. Here's to a new year. Hope this next year will go a little slower. I can always hope. Happy New Year and a Happy 35Th Birthday to Brian.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My projects

This is the 6 Be's Yahtzee game I made up. My ward made them for our Super Saturday. I finally got them back. Now, we can play Yahtzee for family home evening.

These are the banners that have been keeping me busy for the past month. My brother and I have been doing a few bazaars. I haven't sold much at a bazaar. Good thing I am a Mormon. I have lots a orders through my ward. My friends are keeping me busy.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


We had a family party this year for Halloween. The whole Webster clan, few more cousins and Grandma Loghouse and Grandpa were in attendance. We had fun fishing, bobbing for apples, making spiders, putting our hands in yucky stuff, and eating lots a stuff.

We took the kids trick or treating. We went to our first neighborhood trick or treating. Lots of candy and people. Phebe was so excited. She kept running past houses. Next year, we will have to start a little bit early, so we can get more candy.

Who is that man?

If you seen this man, don't buy anything from him. He will rip you off.

Can you figure out what Brian's alter ego is? Maybe, this is why he has chest hair. Notice the necklace, the ear ring and his wind gauge all slick back.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Family Pics

I just wanted to let the family know that Julie has posted a some of our pictures on her blog. She is still working on the CD for us. I think she felt my anxiousness. I've been checking her blog every day, multiple times. I really like the ones she has up. I can't wait to see the other pictures. Thank you Julie for taking our pictures. You did a wonderful job. I only wish we could of had more time together. Her blog site is Check them out and I'll let everyone know when the rest are ready.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dress Up & Tea Party

A lady in our ward gave a manners tea party for my activity girls last night. Phebe found out that I was going to a tea party and promptly put on her snow white dress and invited herself to come. I am so glad she did. She loved it and so did my girls. We had a tea party with beautiful cupcakes and lots of finger foods. Before the tea party, the girls learned about manners then they got to dress up. I only had four of my girls come and that meant more dress up time for them. I think at least all of the tried on five different outfits. They all got their pictures taken in each outfit. Phebe tried on three outfits. She loved the pink ones, the hats, and the fuzzy high heels. We had so much fun. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Phebe.

The butterflies are made out of frosting. Can you believe it?

Doesn't she look like she came out of a bridal magazine?

Having too much fun!!

Brian's favorite.

This is the only time Phebe has looked like me. She had fun trying on the wigs.


Jaxon putting one my bear pin. Luckily, I had a collar shirt on.

Brian trying to get a hug from Jaxon.

Jaxon got his bear. He probably would have gotten it sooner if his mother had read his book. There are 24 achievements and I thought he had to do all of them. He only had to do 12 and he only had one more to finish. So he was able to finish it before pack meeting. July's pack meeting's theme was a kite derby. We were supposed to make a kite. But with Jaxon and his grand ideas and not willing to simplify, he didn't make one. He used one of Poppa's kites. Pack meeting was on one of the hottest days last week and no wind. Jaxon got his kite flying, pretty high. Higher than anyone else.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Running with the Bears

Jaxon and Phebe were chosen to run out on the field with a Yakima Bear baseball player for Fridays game. It worked out well for us. We were planning on going. The kids each got a free t-shirt, a signed baseball and 4 tickets to get into the game. We got in free and gave the other 4 tickets to my brother and his family. The kids had a good time. I was a little worried about how well Phebe would do. She doesn't like being in front of people and talking to strangers. She did it. I'm so proud of her. The Bears won the game. It was actually a really good baseball game. After the game, they had fireworks show. So that was our fourth of July show.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Camping at Bumping Lake

We went camping this past weekend with my whole family. My sister and her kids were up from Ca for a few weeks, so we decided to have our yearly camping trip together while she was here. It's kind of weird going camping with everyone when you see them every week. We had fun being together in the woods. We canoed, rafted, rode bikes, took walks, swam with the tad poles, sang campfire songs, ate smores, got eaten by mosquito's, star gazed and tried not to eat dirt. Jaxon learned how to build a fire. Phebe had fun being with her best friend Irish and practicing riding her bike. As always I took to many pictures. I couldn't decide on what pictures to do, so I made a few collages. We can't wait for the Vocana get together in August. More water fun and being with family. That's what it's all about. Family.

This is the first time the kids watched their hair up at camp. ever.

Day Camp

This year the theme for Day Camp was Cubs in Space. Jaxon learned a lot of things about space and made a few cool things. Phebe and I got to go to camp for a day. I got to walk a long with Jaxon and 8 other boys. We did archery, made a space shuttle and ran a space obstacle course. Phebe was in the tag a long group. She had a few friends to keep her busy with the various activities she did. I also got to drive the truck to camp. The boys in the truck thought I was cool because I knew how to drive a stick shift. Jaxon had lots of fun. One more year of Day Camp. Good thing I only have one boy. It's draining being around 9 year old boys.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A simple fix

The A/C in the car was having problems. I took it in today, for a simple fix. NOT!! A $100 problem became a $840 problem. The radiator fan was not working, found out that the motor was broken. Thanks to the engineers at Chrysler, we have to buy a whole new fan assembly part for $452. That's right, the part is more than the bumper that was replaced last June. The part is coming from back east and the car won't be fixed until Tuesday. Fun times at the Vocana house hold. I don't think I need a car this week. Just have to take Jaxon to Day Camp, have Activity Girls, and get ready to go camping. We're just lucky the car didn't blow up on our way to Oregon or Utah this summer.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What's been going on with us!

Okay, I realize it's been a long time since I've posted. As it seems to be the theme of our lives, we have been busy. I've only had enough time to check on what everyone else is doing in their lives. Plus I like to have Brian around to proof read my posts. Since the last update:

*Jaxon finished baseball. We are all shouting Hooray, it's over!! Jaxon's team finished last. We only won one game the whole entire season. After the season, we were in a tournament. We won one game because of rain. Almost all of the games, we played in a thunderstorm.

*I put in six quilts for our local quilt show. I, actually, quilted 5 of them on the big machine. I'm so proud of myself. I've been a big chicken about using the big machine. Now that I have done a few, I want to do some more. I definitely have some quilt tops that need to be quilted.

*Jaxon had a few field trips during the last two weeks of school. He allowed me to tag along on one of them. We went to the Yakima Nation's Museum and to Fort Simcoe. The most exciting part of the field trip was that I saw a HUGE snake on the pathway.

*School is out. Jaxon is now going to be a 4th grader and I have to get ready to having both kids in school. Brian's already planning what I will be doing with all my free time. Jaxon wants to flunk two grades to be with his teacher, Mr. C. He loves Mr. C. We finally had a teacher that challenged the kid and they moved him down to 2nd grade. Jaxon was supposed to keep Mr. C for 4th grade. We shall see what next year's teacher will be liked.

*Brian's been selling his plants like crazy. He's finally figured out how to have a hobby and make money at it.

*Brian and I celebrated our 13th anniversary. We went down to Portland for a quick weekend. We had fun. We went to a wedding reception in Newberg (one of my mia maids, I can't believe she's old enough), went shopping at the outlet mall, visited a few nursery's, went to a quilt store, and Macaroni Grill. We could have spent a few more days together. Someday.

*We went bike riding again at the Greenway for FHE. Phebe is getting better at riding her bike. No accidents this time. I want to go some more this summer but I have to figure out how to get the bikes in the PT.

*I have been on jury duty for the past two weeks. It was definitely a learning experience. I was picked to be on a jury the first week. All I have to say that it is very hard to keep a person innocent until proven guilty. I earned my $10 dollars a day plus a free lunch on deliberation day. We never got to deliberate, the guy pleaded out.

*The kids and I went to the movies this week while I free from a day of jury duty. We went to see UP with my family -brother & his family, my Mom & Grandma, and sister and her kids. We figured we spent around a $100 dollar just to get in because of the extra $2 for 3D glasses. Good movie but could have seen it regular movie mode.

Next week, Jaxon has day camp and we are going camping for a few days. I can't wait to get away and have fun camping. Brian will be with us for the weekend and the kids and I will be satying a few days longer with my parents. Hopefully, I will have some good stories to tell when we get back.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fishing and Bikes

Grandma Loghouse and Grandpa came up a couple of weekends ago and we went fishing. A local group was holding a fishing derby for kids. For $5 dollars, the kids got a t-shirt and a fishing rod. We had a great time. Phebe was the first to get a fish. Little bit later Jaxon got one. Phebe had a few close calls on getting another one but Jaxon's fishing line kept getting caught with other peoples lines.

After we were done fishing, we got the kids bikes and they rode their bikes down the greenway. This is the first time Phebe has ridden her bike since she got it for Christmas. She was doing great until Daddy came into the picture. He pushed her to hard and she fell into the grass. That was the first accident. Her second accident, she was going down the hill too fast and Brian tried slowing her down with her handle bars but that didn't work. She did a flip over her handle bars and skid to a stop. She hit so hard, it made a dent in her helmet. She now says she won't go bike riding with Daddy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Purse

I made a purse for our YW/Scout Auction last week. The purse went quick. It sold for $55. I can't believe it. The lady who bid for it has been telling me that I should sell my purses. She has been coveting my purses for a while now. Well, she no longer has to covet. I had a few people surprised that I could even make purses. I have them fooled.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Phebe's Parties

Phebe is always having parties for her dolls, teddy bears and anything she can think of. She really likes giving birthday parties and getting gifts for them. Whenever we are at the store she wants to buy a present for Princess(her teddy bear) or anyone else she can think of. While we were at the store on Thursday, I told Phebe that it was Aunt Chelsea's birthday. She says we have to pick out a gift for her. She proceeds to ask me what color and size Aunt Chelsea is because she wanted to give her a dress. Something fancy. I said I don't know. She then started trying to figure out something else for her. She loves giving presents to people. My brother and his family moved here on Friday and she decided they needed a house warming gift. She made them a stack of pictures. She wouldn't give Uncle Ben the pictures, she got shy. So I had to give them to him. She is such a good girl and we love her to death. I am so glad she is a part of our family. Right now, it's a little quiet around here, Phebe lost her voice. She's had too much fun with all of her cousins the past few weeks.

He DID it!!

This is Jaxon's first time at pitching. He's only pitched twice. I think he is pitching on Tuesday. He plays first base.

Jaxon hit the ball on Saturday and I was the only one there to see it. He hit a double. We've been waiting for him to hit the ball during a game. The past few games he has been walking to base. Last week, he walked three times and decided that was his lucky bat. Jaxon's team has not won a game yet but they are getting better. At the beginning of the season we lost 16-0. Yesterday's game we lost by one point, 18-17. It was a good game. Jaxon scored 2 runs.

One of his runs that he scored.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Easter

Here is the whole crew. We had fun being with each other.

We had a great and chaotic Easter weekend. All of the my family was here this year. On Saturday, my nephew, Xanen, was baptized. After he was baptized, Jaxon had a baseball game and pitched for the first time. He did great for his first time. He wasn't to happy about not throwing strikes outs. He threw a lot of balls. But practice makes perfect and that's what he is doing right now with Brian practicing. He'll get there. After the game, we had a big family dinner with my sister's in-laws to celebrate Xanen getting baptized. We were able to get some new family pictures with Elyse in them. She is the newest member of the family. Hopefully before my sister and her family move to Japan we can get a new family picture with the newest addition coming in August. My brother and his wife are expecting a little girl. The Easter bunny came to our house and made Jaxon look for his basket. That's what happens when you say there is no Easter bunny. Phebe was excited to have her basket filled with goodies. We dyed eggs after church with the cousins and did an Easter egg hunt. That was fun trying to get equal amount of eggs for all 7 kids. They had fun I think. I am glad that we had good Easter with all the family. It can get rather loud with all of us here but it's worth it. The cousins love to be together and I love hanging out with my family.

Here are the kids in their Easter outfits. On the way to church, Brian says they match and I said I know. I made Phebe's Easter dress to match Jaxon's outfit. I haven't made a dress since I was a Merry Miss girl. I'm so proud of myself I got Phebe's dress done on Friday. I usually get things done at the last moment. Aren't they cutest kids?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Teacher Conference Time

Today was Jaxon's conference. We were not too worried about it. His teacher said his conference wasn't that fun because there were no problems or concerns with Jaxon. It only lasted 15 minutes. He is doing great as always. His reading level is at a 6th grade level and math is at a 4.97 grade level. So he working on double digit division while his class is working on their multiplication of 0,1,5's and 10's. Pretty soon Brian and I will need a tutor to help Jaxon with his homework. We are so proud of Jaxon and glad he finally has a teacher that can handle him and challenge him at the same time. I also registered Phebe for kindergarten. I can't believe she'll be in school. She's on the fence on whether or not she wants to go. It changes from hour to hour. Just like she will never get married because that means she will not live with her mommy. Two kids in school. What will I do with all the quietness? We will have to see.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Birthday Party

I got invited to an eleven year old birthday party this weekend. The eleven year old is Dorian. She is in our primary class. She also invited Phebe to come along. Jaxon was upset that he didn't get to go because it was at the kids castle. NO BOYS ALLOWED!! That was Dorian's rule. Dorian is an awesome girl. She loves me to death but not that boy (Brian). All of our girls came to Dorian's party that is in our class. I am so proud of our kids in our class. Dorian can be a lot to handle and they accept her. They try to help her and are very patient with her. I am so glad that Brian and I are teaching this class. I made Dorian a purse and a marker roll for her birthday. She likes pink and orange. So that's the colors she got. On Sunday, she brought her purse and roll with her to class. She started coloring after running a few laps in the church. I need to start bringing tennis shoes.

This is Dorian. She saw me taking pictures of Phebe and wanted her picture taken.
Phebe finally got brave enough to go into the foam pit.
Dorian opening her presents.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Dad

My friend Julie had these questions on her blog and her kids answers were so cute. I decided to ask my kids. This is a cute idea. Copy this note, ask your child the questions and write them down exactly how they respond.

Phebe age-5

1. What is something dad always says to you? Sugar and Gracey Poo.
2. What makes dad happy? I don't know. Me
3. What makes dad sad? I don't know. Not being with him.
4. How does your dad make you laugh? Tickling him, I mean me.
5. What was your dad like as a child? I don't know.
6. How old is your dad? 17
7. How tall is your dad? 80ft.
8. What is his favorite thing to do? watch sports.
9. What does your dad do when you're not around? snuggles with Mom.
10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for? I don't know. being a movie star.
11. What is your dad really good at? playing sports.
12. What is your dad not very good at? I think he's not good at soccer.
13. What does your dad do for his job? landscape.
14. What's your dad's favorite food? pancakes.
15. What makes you proud of your dad? nothing.
16. If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be? Bugs Bunny.
17. What do you and your dad do together? watch movies.
18. How are you and your dad the same? nothings the same with Dad.
19. How are you and your dad different? Let's see, nothing together, nothing together.
20. How do you know your dad loves you? Because he tells me every night!
21. Where is your dad's favorite place to go? Mmm, he doesn't like to go to the movies.

Jaxon age-9

1. What is something dad always says to you? One more.
2. What makes dad happy? You being good, doing things right.
3. What makes dad sad? When Dad gets the kids upset.
4. How does your dad make you laugh? He does stupid things sometimes.
5. What was your dad like as a child? He had a weird life in Portland.
6. How old is your dad? 42
7. How tall is your dad? almost my size
8. What is his favorite thing to do? play baseball or guitar hero.
9. What does your dad do when you're not around? goes to work.
10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for? playing baseball.
11. What is your dad really good at? baseball, basketball, soccer, and playing guitar hero.
12. What is your dad not very good at? building Lego's.
13. What does your dad do for his job? landscapes.
14. What's your dad's favorite food? scrambled eggs.
15. What makes you proud of your dad? Because he provides for us, so I can have Lego's.
16. If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be? Sponge Bob.
17. What do you and your dad do together? play baseball.
18. How are you and your dad the same? our bodies-everything.
19. How are you and your dad different? He went to a different school then me.
20. How do you know your dad loves you? He apologizes.
21. Where is your dad's favorite place to go? any place he can hike.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Catch Up

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted last. Where did February go? If your life is like ours, it went by to fast. Let me give you some updates on us. Brian is back to work. YEAH!! It's been another adjustment for us. That's the way our life seems to be a lot of adjustments.
I went and saw the Pajama Game with my Mom and Grandma. It was so good. If only Harry Connick, Jr. was the main guy again. The whole gang went and saw Oklahoma the play. The high school kids were putting it on. We loved it! Phebe has been singing ever since. The cast was mostly LDS kids. The next Sunday, Big Judd was blessing the sacrament and Phebe was star struck, couldn't believe he was there.
Jaxon has been playing basketball. He's starting to figure out the game. He's so funny. His coach told him to stand on the block underneath the basket. So every time Jaxon comes down the court he gravitates to the block. He has made one point so far and we are so proud of him. Next we are on to baseball. Not looking forward to sitting out in the cold.
We have been playing a lot of Guitar Hero, mostly Brian. He's trying to beat me at playing in the medium mode. He just can't do it yet. He is also a little upset because I couldn't play the easy ones and then I started on the medium ones and can whip his butt.
I've started working out with a few Moms at the church. I couldn't walk for three days because of Yoga Booty Ballet. I, now, can never make fun of Brian when has sore muscles from playing basketball.
The last part of the month, Brian and I have been together for 14 years. I can't believe it. All I can say is eating in the cafetria at Ricks was well worth it.
This was some of the highlights of the past few weeks. I could go on about Sharing Time, Activity girls, Scouts, playdates, sleepovers with cousins and grandparents, math night at the school, cleaning the church building, quilt class, making aprons for nephews, finishing a purse. That's why February flew by. Hopefully, March will be a little slower.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We finally have one

Jaxon is no longer a deprived kid. We got a Wii over the weekend. Now he can hang his head high and be like the other kids in his class. Because as you know Jaxon and Phebe have a rough life, ha ha, living with their mean parents. So what has the four of us been doing all week? Guitar Hero and the sports game. Brian and I have been trying to out do each other playing golf. I was winning with +4 and he had +5. Now he is at a -1 but I got two eagles and a chip in. He can't beat that. Jaxon is getting good at GH. He's starting to rock out like he is playing in a rock band. If I was computer savvy I would put a video on here of him rockin'. But I am not. Phebe is so cute when she's boxing. She really gets into it.

Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa Loghouse where able to come up and visit with us the last weekend in January. We had our Christmas with them. Grandma made Phebe a cowgirl outfit and Phebe did not take it off for three days. She even wore it to church. Jaxon got a chair for his room and all he wants to do with it is swirl around and around. We went up to see the elk and the mountain sheep. Grandma and Grandpa were able to watch Jaxon play at his game. We had a good weekend with them and the weather cooperated with us, that was a plus.